
Test of using a txt

Test of using a txt message to enter a blog post. And of sending a text message to an email address.

Test of time post on blog posts

We will have to see what time this shows up on the blog.  I am typing it around 10:15, and I will hotsync at lunch and the check the blog to see what time it shows that it was written.  Then the next test will be that I will write a post tonight, and then when I hotsync tomorrow, I will find out if the date and time is correct :).  Then maybe I will start to post more.

Test of blogging while mobile

This is a test while posting from my handheld.  I have a Treo now, but I have data turned off because Verizon is too expensive.  So this is via a hotsync with my work computer.  The next test will be how the post shows up if I make the post at night, but can't hotsync at work till the next day.  Hopefully it will preserve the date and time that I wrote it, and not the time that I hotsync.  Only time will tell.

Testing a new way to post messages

I am doing some work behind the scenes to make it easier for me to make blog posts.  This is a test of that system.


I like Mike

I updated my template to put the Mike Huckabee link in the link section. He seems to be the best of all the presidential candidates that are out there.

So if you want to learn about him, click on the banner and surf around his website and see if you can get behind him as well. :)


Not still on our trip ;)

As Chris pointed out in the comments, Rachel and I made it home from our trip to Florida in August just fine. We have been working on the house, playing with the kids, visiting and being visited by family and friends, and just generally living life. I am working on setting some stuff up to update here more often. Lets see if it works :).

Pictures of the kitchen cabinets going in at http://photos.johnsoax.com/